Photo by Bradut Florescu
A while back, I had the pleasure of doing a few article translations for a Romanian travel site, Today I found out that Bradut Florescu, the one that hired me has left for Thailand for an undetermined period of time. Take a second and read his blog. It's inspiring in such a simple and powerful way that I'm left without words. You are indeed the President of your own world.
5 comentarii:
s-ar putea sa-ti placa si de astia :)
sunt o familie de romani care a vazut toata lumea cu o rulota. sa te uiti macar la poze, eu nu am vazut demult asemenea poze :)
Multumesc mult pentru link :)
Oameni ca ei ma fac sa ma opresc o secunda din alergatul prin viata
Suna cam pompos, dar well, it's true
*runs, blushing
of, acum mi-am dat seama ca a trecut ziua palarierului nebun inainte sa-ti zic de existenta ei. dar poate stiai de ea totusi:) eu am dat peste ea pe cand ii bricolam un calendar prietenului meu de ziua lui, in care am notat tot felul de sarbatori din astea trasnite. americanii au o gramada. chiar si bring your teddy bear to work day ;))
So did not know that. Therefore, this day, as the past week, as the next month, will be Mad Hatter Day.
Seriously, crazy is good and Time is so not on our side.
And thanks, you are an information treasure, ne gandim daca sa te ingropam pe o insula pustie sau nu
*note: the Hatter's bad jokes will be ignored until further notice
hee hee...daca arata ca aia din imagine si putem negocia nivelul nisipului pe undeva pe la glezne, i;m in :D so happy mad hatter's month!
p.s. din ziua de 29 o sa-ti iau si eu cu nerusinare o bucatica
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