duminică, 31 ianuarie 2010

Ivan Who? Ivan Me.

All Saints leather jacket, Stefanel sweater, Zara pants, Bershka pants, Pull&Bear boots, vintage photo bag, russian hat
This post was once again supposed to be long and insightful. But my cat is insisting of being a pooppy ass (literally) and I have to errr... solve that. Thus it's turning into a quick outfit post. There were supposed to be more pictures but it was really hard keeping a straight face while Bf was calling me 'Ivan'. Anyways, today was so amazingly warm compared to the past week (seriously, who can live at -25 degrees?) so I took out the old harem pants. I did layer them on top of these amazing Zara pants I've been basically living in. I actually like the overall boyish look in spite of Bf insinuating I resemble a Russian character of dubious origin.

Nu uitati sa ne urmariti, in curand va fi disponibil un sacou Dior de care nu am vrut sa ne despartim dar care totusi va ajunge pe Blog.

That is all, do carry on

The Distracted Hatters

marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

99 Alternatives

Remember the Jeffrey Campbell 99 zip wedges I got a while back? They still are my favorite pair of shoes, no worries. In the meantime, while the whole blogging world was getting mad over these, the people over at JC decided to spice things up and come up with more versions. I'm starting to believe things are getting a bit out of control and for some odd reason I don't like any of them. Judge for yourselves:

luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

These Heels Were Made For... Me

Holy Designer Shoe! I just couldn't pass up talking about Christian Siriano's collection for... wait for it... Payless!! (do notice the double exclamation point, which is something I never use unless I'm overly excited). These are a sneak preview of the collection that's supposed to be released sometime in March. The last collaboration Siriano did for Payless was very disappointing, as the shoes were toned done from their original runway form. Well, this time it seems they are going to be as fierce as the runway originals, including the odd talon heels, much resembling a bull horn. And they're going to retail for $79.99. But, as Payless doesn't deliver outside the US, add a nice round 50$ for transport and a lot of begging my American friend to get them for me. And a 19% tax (#$@#%#!). But I still think it's worth it.I have my mind set on the blue and black pair. What about you? Would you wear them?

Later EDIT: found these pics via Nitrolicious of the original runway shoes. I drool.

sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2010

Counting My Saints

Some of you might remember all the fuss I made over my All Saints leather jacket. Honestly I am so madly inlove with it that I bought another one by the same brand. They have a certain distressed feel to them and the leather/jersey combo will always be a winner in my book. At first I tried to be nice and bought a less expensive alternative - this jacket from Primark that is now on sale on the Blog. But temptation was just too big. A week and several emails later I found it and in about ten days it will be mine (insert maniacal laughter here). Now if I could only find 750 pounds to buy another one :D I joke, I joke, I'm already in debt Hell because of this last purchase. At least I can always say it's an investment pieace and leather lasts forever!

Soon to be mine!

Anyone has 750 pounds to spare?

Put Your Hands on Your Head and Turn Back Slowly

'Bomber jacket' din piele Denim&Co (Primark)
Marime 12 UK (Euro 40)
Lungime 52 cm
Maneci 63 cm
Bust 80-104 cm
Material: piele, captusita cu poliester
Detalii: pielea a fost tratata chimic astfel incat are aspect 'distressed', asa cum aveau primele geci de tip bomber. Prezinta un guler supradimensionat care se poate purta in mai multe moduri deoarece geaca are mai multe tipuri de inchidere(fermoar, capse, nasturi). Prezinta insertii gen jersey la nivelul taliei, gulerului si manecilor.
Stare: nepurtata, noua
Pret 200 RON

vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010

Doing the Nasty (Gal)

Seeing how the weekend is finally here let's have a quick online shop browsing. Today I chose Nasty Gal's Shop. They do not deliver directly to Romania but you know, when there's a will there is a way. Here are my picks:

You may have noticed, I like draped stuff. I'm ever so tempted to buy the first jacket.
De ce in Romania inca nu exista notiunea de haine drapate?

Am I the only one developing an obsession towards oxfords/broques/cowboyish men shoes? A mix of all three actually. Well, I may have to find a cure.
O tendinta pe care am inceput sa o observ si in Romania, la un nivel mai redus totusi: pantofii cu toc jos sau plati de tip oxford, eventual o combinatie intre asa zisii cowboy shoes si oxford.

As I was saying, draping is good.

For those interested in the infamous Minimarket back zip wedge that I featured on the blog a while back, Jeffrey Campbell finally made his version available online. There are a few online shops that carry them, if you need I'm happy to provide the necessary info. They're about 200$ plus shipping.

In cazul in care va mai amintiti ghetele Minimarket de sezonul trecut, care au facut furori in lumea virtuala a fahionistelor, Jeffrey Campbell a realizat propria sa varianta, care momentan este disponibila online, in cateva magazine care expediaza si in Romania.

Another Jeffrey Cambell 'approach' on a famous shoe. These are obviously inspired by the Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony wedges.

Varianta JC pentru Chloe Sevigny pentru opening Ceremony.

Ever wondered how the Ann D's would look as boots? Well, some of you already know because Ann D actually made some. But if you don't live in a castle and own a pile of money, Jeffrey Campbell has an alternative. I oddly like them, although I would prefer them black.

Seeing how I kept mentioning Jeffrey Campbell, I'd like to use this opportunity to ask Mister Campbell to stop making 5.5'' heels. I want to like the following shoes but I just can't. They are just... ugly.

Un mic apel catre Jeffrey Campbell. Tocurile de 14 cm sunt limita! Te rugam opreste-te.

P.S: catre cei care nu au fost inca adaugati in blogroll dar ne-au adaugat pe noi - va rugam lasati un mesaj cu adresa blogului, am observat ca primim multe emailuri direct in spam, motiv pentru care le stergem necitite. Thanksies!

miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2010

Exposing the Zips

Vintage coat, Stine Goya dress, Naf Naf skirt, Zara leggings, Next boots, Moschino letters on a Pierre Cardin belt
You know, this post was supposed to be really long and maybe witty, considering the obvious lack of recent updates. Buuut, as hospital life is quite crazy (pun intended) Time is more scarce than ever and the Blog is getting a tad ignored. No worries, we do have big plans for it.

Anyways, here's sort of an outfit post. I actually wanted to do a whole 80s theme because I love the volume of the jacket, the exposed zipper and the arhitectural collar (not quite obvious in these pics but we were freezing and just wanted to go back in). The Moschino letters are recycled from an old belt that was falling apart (that was actually quite a bargain). I'm actually wearing a skirt and a dress, I've just folded the dress upwards. The dress in itself is pretty interesting, as it has exposed zippers and oversized pockets, but let's keep that for another post. One quick advice: do not try walking in 12 cms heels in the snow unless previously trained to. It's quite a nightmare.

In other news, we recently got a kitty cat of our own and she's taking up most of our spare time. She's had a hard life so far so we're trying our best to make her feel better. Do expect pictures.

Have a nice Evening

The Obviously Mad Hatter

marți, 12 ianuarie 2010

The Story of Two Hats, A pair of Blue Shoes and Some Shameless Self Promotiong

Caciulile urmatoare ar fi trebuit sa ajunga pe blog de mult, mult timp. Dar ne-am lungit...

Caciula foarte lunga de spiridus, elf sau alta creatura aiurita
100% poliacril
Lungime aproximativa 90 cm
Stare foarte buna
Pret 20 RON

Caciula tot de elf sau spiridus, de aceasta data din lana
100% lana
Lungime aproximativa tot 90 cm
Stare excelenta, daca tragem de mot ies cateva fire, daca nu tragem nu ies :)
Pret 20 RON

Bocanci Original Dr Martens 8 navy blue (for the boyfriend)
Marime 8 UK, ar corespunde la un 42 european, pentru doritori putem masura talpa interioara
Stare: purtati o singura data si putin, dupa cum se poate observa in fotografia talpii exterioare. Au cateva zgarieturi realizate prin frecare pe partea interioara (a se vedea poza)
Pret 140 RON

Si ca sa ajungem si la partea cu 'shameless self promoting', iata unde a ajuns una dintre personalitatile Palarierului - pe coperta cartii Orb in Gaza, de Aldous Huxley. Este o onoare, that we say si va invitam sa o cititi (seriously, it's a great book).