Besides loving my cat so much I want to eat her (won't) (she is using me as a chair and recently ate a fly, in case you were wondering about her well being) (fine, we actually had to catch the fly for her, she had been chasing it around to no avail for 4 days!) I use my oh-so-precious time browsing up stuff I can't afford. Enter H&M and their latest winter knitwear. WHY must they make such addictive and colorful crap? Just look at those midi dresses! Ahhh just stab me in the back why don't ya - preferablly with a striped knife of some sorts. ANYWAYS, to cut delirium short - who can tell me to which dubious thing I'm making reference in the title? (NOOOO googling you bastards). Hint: I used to be an avid gamer (mainly shooters) while growing up.
In other news, who knows a good textile dye I can use to paint the most lovely cardigan in the world? I bought it from Not Vintage Yet and it's much more orange than I've expected but otherwise it's so damn perfect I just want to live in it forever and ever and ever. From all the research I did so far I came up with this Jacquard brand. Did any of you use it? Come on people, don't let me destroy my washing machine for nothing.
Pentru cunoscatoare - cine a folosit vopsea pentru textile? Am cumparat acest cardigan fabulos e la Not Vintage Yet dar este muuult mai portocaliu decat ma asteptam - dar nici sa ma despart de el nu vreau. A mai vopsit cineva combinatia de mohair/poliamida? Am inteles ca trebuie sa folosesc o vopsea acida iar din cautarile mele am descoperit asta. Sugestii?
In other news, who knows a good textile dye I can use to paint the most lovely cardigan in the world? I bought it from Not Vintage Yet and it's much more orange than I've expected but otherwise it's so damn perfect I just want to live in it forever and ever and ever. From all the research I did so far I came up with this Jacquard brand. Did any of you use it? Come on people, don't let me destroy my washing machine for nothing.
Pentru cunoscatoare - cine a folosit vopsea pentru textile? Am cumparat acest cardigan fabulos e la Not Vintage Yet dar este muuult mai portocaliu decat ma asteptam - dar nici sa ma despart de el nu vreau. A mai vopsit cineva combinatia de mohair/poliamida? Am inteles ca trebuie sa folosesc o vopsea acida iar din cautarile mele am descoperit asta. Sugestii?
9 comentarii:
awgh. e minunata toata colectia si e tare greu sa alegi ceva :))) well, we can't afford everything.. :-s ma bucur ca am reusit sa imi iau rochita colorata si puloverul cu albastru si crem :D hihih.
ahhh, lucky! I drool just thinking about them, mai ales ca am o dubioasa perioada de midi-everything.
Cum e calitatea la rochita? (da... sunt totusi tentata:P)
inca e pe drum :D iti spun cand o primesc.. sigur o sa fac un outfit post cu ea si o sa vezi cum vine.. sper doar sa pice frumos pe corp si sa nu fie prea stramta :)))
Hello you. Really nice blog !
I just wanted to invite you to take a look at my blog!
^^ take a look and follow me if you like ☠
Oh, H&M you're cruel beyond words playing with my heart like this! Really enjoying you blogging more often!:)
a-ha! deci la tine era cardiganul ala.
why, my dear, of course it's a paraphrase of 'all your base are belong to us' :P me and games did not intersect very much (except for some warcraft& lemmings game in the 6th grade..yea i was a strange kid), but i do know my memes.
parca era dintr-un joc facut de japonezi or smth nu? as putea sa gugalui sa aflu exact but i couldnt bear the thought of cheating on you :-< tee hee
Ha, I knew Alice would understand.
And yeah, Ițm overworking lately and I'm taking it out on the blog.
my comment got lost on the way? :|
i think it did or am i starting to experience early dementia (as if that's a surprise)
so you know, odd little one
ahhhh i loved lemmings but the old versions
and yeah, it's from Zero Wing!
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