duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009


You know, I'm slightly anxious and slightly sad, because yesterday I chose a definite path in my existence. No more choices are to be made from now on (sort of, but it sounds more dramatic this way). During med school, I was strongly attracted to two options: forensic (legal) medicine and psychiatry, in spite of loving surgery for its superb logic. These two were, to me, the only two viable options. During my 6th year I've become more inclined towards psychiatry and had become definite, towards the end, that was the path I want to follow. But yesterday, as my turn to decide was approaching, I was secretly hoping those two spots available in forensic medicine would be occupied faster so I wouldn't have that option at all. By the time they got to me, they were still available. I filched for a second and all the poetry that is the human anatomy raced through my mind. And I chose psychiatry. I hope that 40 years from now, when I'll look back, I'll be positive it was the right choice. For now, I'm happy I made it and it makes me, in spite of all the anxiety, feel complete.

To all of you, I hope you're happy with the choices you make everyday and realize that although some of them close some paths, they also open new ones. Doubt is probably one of our biggest enemies in life and the source of insecurity and unhappiness. Believe in yourselves and try to be happy.

Yours truly, the Definitely Mad Hatter (come on, now you get it why this blog was called the Mad Hatter?)

joi, 26 noiembrie 2009

Saints vs Killers

Fine, this may not be the most inspired title I've ever written, but the following two jackets sure are. So, I'm going to get a leather jacket as a 'yay, you're a doctor' thing. I narrowed my options to the following two:

All Saints Dresden jacket Kill City Drapey jacket

Where shall I start? Price wise, they're quite close. The Kill City one has a strong Rick Owen feel to it, but the All Saints one has those SHOULDERS and that ZIPPER. Kill City is asymmetry at it's best, but the All Saints one has that cowl collar that's just out of this world. That being said, I dunno what to pick. Your thoughts?
And apparently I'm turning into a fashion drone and might want to forever live at Oak. Damn it.

marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

Shoe Family Story Time

Why Jeffrey Campbell, why? Why would you make such extreme architectural shoes in such limited quantities? Due to my recent absence from the internet world of shoes, I missed the realease of the JC CLINIC, which were available at OAK for 198$ (from what I hear they were gone in like seconds). They are probably going to release more pretty soon but by that time chances are I'll be completely broke because of rebound shopping.

Copyright Oak

Speaking of shoes, lately (as in forever) I've been getting the 'you have TOO many shoes' line. Which may be slightly true (see how you can actually twist truth:) as I've counted quite a few pairs of boots. I'm not counting the other shoes as I'd like to keep my dignity. But in my defense, come of these are the kind of shoes you don't necessarily wear, just stare at them for long periods of time.

From right to left:
Top line: All Saints, Khrio, cheap no name uggs, Papucei.ro
Bottom line: Jeffrey Campbell, Pull & Bear, Sugar

Top line: Khrio, no name uggs, papucei.ro, Pull&Bear
Bottom Line: Pull&Bear, Sugar, Next OTK boots, unknown harness cowboy boots

My favorite at this time are these All Saints boots, which I've been obsessing for more a year now and have only recently entered the shoe family.

Truth be told, I'm basically living in the cheap uggs because they're comfy (the same goes for the Sugar boots, but those are starting to show signs of wear). I've not worn the Next over the knee boots yet because they have a 5 inch heel (yeah...) but that time will come (probably). The red boots from Papucei used to be a favorite of mine (been wearing them a lot back in med school) and they are just those kind of shoes you can't part with (do you guys have a pair of shoes you can't throw away no matter what?). The JC wedge was a great investment shoe, it realy does solve '99 problems'. The short boots from Pull&Bear are pretty comfy but frankly, not that well made for my taste. On the other hand, the other pair from Pull&Bear, the Vivienne Westwood wannabees are pretty sturdy, but I can't seem to be able to wear them anywhere. The cowboy harness boots are pretty cool, but I need to do some DIY on them. Well, I guess that's most of the shoe family story, hope you had fun reading it :)

In other news, the blog shop will restart its activity pretty soon, so please have a lil bit more patience :)

Magazinul isi va relua activitatea in curand, va multumim pentru rabdare si incurajari :)

Have a nice Monday everyone!

The Hatter

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Sometimes Words Are Not Enough

As a tribute, I shall play one of my favorite games,American McGee's Alice. Classic.

joi, 19 noiembrie 2009

I Want to Walk a Thousand Lives

Bocanci Dr. Martens
Model 1460, disponibili pe site-ul Dr. Martens aici
Culoare cherry red (ca in poze)
Marime EU 37, UK 4, US 6
Stare noi
Pret 180 RON

miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2009

It's All About Shoe Stalking

I've been wanting to feature the shoes from Illex Kinni for a while now, but only now have gotten the chance. I have to say I'm simply in love with The Dancer, but wouldn't mind having a love affair with all the other models. This is the first collection for Casey Egan and Jillian Shannon and I must say, they gave me a reason for wanting to live in Australia. I'm looking forward to more of their work and plan to actually own a pair of the awesomeness that is Illex Kinni.

Also, I was impressed with the concept and photography (nice work guys)

The Dancer

All pictures Illex Kinni

They are supposed to launch their online shop soon and I will update as soon as that happens.

luni, 16 noiembrie 2009

All Things Come to an End

Well, darlings, I did it, the big exam is finally over. Frankly, I believe it was worth all the time invested and all those moments of slight insanity. I scored 811, which puts me in the top 10%, which allows me to basically choose the speciality I want, where I want it. So yeah, I smile.
I would like to thank to everyone who wished me good luck before the exam, you people are really great and I was honestly surprised to see such care. I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer to your emails, I was pretty stressed.
The blog, the store and everything else is going to come back, as soon as things are settled, and as soon as I can recover from the after exam shock. I'll still be in Bucharest for a while, basically eating sushi and going out. Cause baby, I deserve it.
And yeah, now I can make that stupid joke 'It's ok, I'm a doctor'.

joi, 5 noiembrie 2009

Oddly, This Post is Shoe Unrelated

Today is just one of those days when my brain is refusing to obey me. Nonetheless, I force fed it the entire 'Renal insufficiency' chapter and I intend to do more damage in a while, so until then, let's all look at pretty clothes and stuff.

First off some Jimmy Choo for H&M pieces. They have an intriguing casual glam feel to them and the ethnic poncho thing is quite inspiring (what is it with me and knitwear lately). What I find disturbing is the sequin blazer/ bf jeans combo, which make the model's head seem really really small. Or it's just me, I don't know. Frankly, because we live in a non H&M country, and my opportunities to actually shop H&M are limited, I often use their line as inspiration.

Jimmy Choo for H&M

Next, perfection in the form of this pictorial from Harper's Baazar Russia. See the last one with the printed dress? It completely reminds me of a Mark Ryden picture, even her pose. And don't judge, Mark Ryden has such intricate allegorical meanings in his works that you simply cannot call him a weirdo. Marion Peck, on the other hand, is quite weird (but also quite remarkable to my little twisted persona)

Harper's Baazar Russia

Mark Ryden

And last, here's a little twisted something from the vintage times. I think it takes the cake in terms of bedroom accessories. Apparently Grandma was quite the Dominatrix. (not my Grandma people, stop thinking nonsense) (although I should ask)


luni, 2 noiembrie 2009

When I Want to Win, I SO Want to Win

Picture by me
De ce Madridul? Din motive complet egoiste, desigur. Visez mereu cu ochii deschisi si ocazional inchisi vacante spre destinatii exotice sau pur si simplu dubioase care sa ma faca sa uit, macar o perioada, ca sunt o rotita intr-un mare resort. Si nu exista alt loc mai potrivit decat Madridul ca sa uiti de tine.

Acum un an aveam bilete de avion spre Africa, unde ne-a asteptat un desert intins, o lume in care dreptul nu era drept dar nici stang, iar micul dejun se lua pe acoperisuri plate, care seara se umpleau de sunetul rugaciunilor. A trebuit sa ne oprim o jumatate de zi in Madrid, unde am facut escala.

Am gustat Madridul dormind pe cimentul aeroportului si alergand prin oras pentru a reusi sa il absorbim in putinele ore pe care le aveam la dispozitie. De ce din nou Madridul? Vai, intrebarea asta nu o poate pune cineva care a respirat, macar cateva ore, aerul sau. Madridul este culoare, imprastiata in strazi, in oameni, in gradini. Madridul este nebunie, o vezi in sclipirea din ochii celor care dimineata se duc sa se culce, pastrand inca mirosul euforiei. Madridul este roman, dincolo de orice roman scris vreodata.

Madridul ascunde strazi minuscule, pietruite, pe care ai senzatia ca le-ai parcus de o mie de ori intr-o mie de alte vieti. Madridul te seduce intr-o secunda, iti sopteste nimicuri si si te transforma intr-un indragostit fara speranta. Te plimba prin gradinile sale interminabile si te ameteste cu suntele sale nesfarsite. Mai mult poveste decat oras, iti doresti sa ramai acolo, inca o zi, si inca una, si inca una.

Si mai am un motiv. Madridul meu ascunde o strada si un balcon, un balcon care pare magic, unde am promis ca voi reveni, unde am promis ca voi locui odata. Trebuie sa ma asigur ca inca este acolo si inca ma asteapta. Trebuie sa imi salut Madridul, sa nu ma uite.

Si lasand la o parte spiritul competitiv care m-ar face sa scriu un roman, ma opresc aici, sperand ca ati vazut prin cateva randuri macar o parte din ce am vazut eu in cateva ore. Si chiar daca nu voi castiga concursul ''blogoriada Go Travel'' organizat de Go Travel prin acest articol, cel putin mi-am reamintit o aventura frumoasa si mi-am promis ca voi reveni, in Madrid, poate pentru un revelion sau chiar mai devreme, chiar daca va trebui sa caut printre sute de oferte de weekend.