Naturally, here's another gratuitous outfit post. And in case anyone was wondering what that look on my face was, it could translate into:' why are my pants always falling off'. Cause they were. I was basically using my telekinesis powers to make them sit up. See how I digress? Anyways, besides finding a new way for wearing my fur vest thingie (which gives me great personal satisfaction), I've also been thinking a lot about the people we have around us. And I know all this damn introspection is due to the preXmas depression, but I just can't help it. So I'm sharing. This past year I feel like I've come a long way and understood more about myself. I finally feel at peace with everything around me because I'm no longer surrounded by unhappy people, trying to drag me down with them. I'm grateful for those around me, which I can trust and care about, which understand me and don't make a habit of judging everything around them, always looking at the empty side of the glass. I've learned that 'live and let live' is the best way to go around. And with the risk of becoming even more corny than a soap opera, I'd like to thank my friends for being my friends.
I'd also like to thank you guys for reading and stopping by every now and then, this blog allowed me to find some really awesome people. It's nice to know you're out there somewhere, it helps me not lose hope in humanity.
This is starting to feel like an Oscar awards ceremony. Anyways, moving on, I'd like to thanks Bf for being Bf. Seriously. You're awesome.
And to cut things short, before I get my own music theme, I wish everyone finds their peace as this year ends. Be happy guys, enjoy the people you have around you, fall in love and find your balance. And remember, be nice, cause karma is quite a bitch :)
The Terribly Mad Hatter
P.S: promise this is the last rambling post of this year.
I'd also like to thank you guys for reading and stopping by every now and then, this blog allowed me to find some really awesome people. It's nice to know you're out there somewhere, it helps me not lose hope in humanity.
This is starting to feel like an Oscar awards ceremony. Anyways, moving on, I'd like to thanks Bf for being Bf. Seriously. You're awesome.
And to cut things short, before I get my own music theme, I wish everyone finds their peace as this year ends. Be happy guys, enjoy the people you have around you, fall in love and find your balance. And remember, be nice, cause karma is quite a bitch :)
The Terribly Mad Hatter
P.S: promise this is the last rambling post of this year.