joi, 29 aprilie 2010

So Today I

Bought a shark tee.

Complained about space.

Decided Bunny needs a wash.

Bought Bf some jeans.

Ate some oranges.

Worried Kitty fell out of the window (again).

Played around with a grey dress and the Moschino belt.

Popped a whole lot of bubble tape.

How was your day?

And the reason for the post is... sometimes when I feel overly philosophical (every 12 minutes or so) I wonder how our lives will be when we'll get old. EVERYTHING has changed since our parents were young, technology wise . We can now document every single moment of our lives. Many of us have blogs. Can you imagine showing your blog to your grandchildren? In a way we get to keep so much more than our parents ever had the chance. But on a different level I find it all very sad, as with every photo I take of myself and the ones around me I feel a little bit older. I guess it makes me acknowledge time passing more brutally.

Moment ended, resume previous activities. And look up Miriam Your Toast Is Burning if you're a ska fan.

marți, 27 aprilie 2010

On the Zip Side

I love myself some zippers. It's usually the shiny, oddly positioned ones that get me. Retarded? Definitely. But worth it none the less. And for a while now I've been obsessing about getting some skinnies with side zippers. You know the ones. They're basically on every blogger you've seen. And because I wanted to do some actual touching of clothing I went to browse Bershka, Pull& Bear, Stradivarius and Zara because that's where you usually find the extra trendy stuff of the season (sad but true). But apparently black skinny jeans with a nice side zipper are impossible to find. Either the zipper was too short (yeah, I'm like that, it has to be THE right size) or the color was impossible, anything but black, so I've left empty handed. I did like the floral tops from Bershka.

Naturally, I went online. The UK shops are currently having sales so I took advantage and bought these from TOPSHOP. I was actually reluctant, mostly because I'm toning down my clothing (and a zipper that goes all the way up is close to blasphemy around this part of the world) but there was only 1 pair left, in exactly my size. So I'm calling it fate and ignoring the credit card damage. Later on I did a bit of research and found two similar pairs, one from Asos ($68 down from $313, no wonder they're sold out) and one from Urban Outfitters, still available. I like the triple zipper on the ones from Asos but I think they look odd on the model, as if they are not a tight fit.

Una dintre obsesiile pe care le-am dezvoltat de-a lungul timpului au fost fermoarele. Mai exact fermoarele expuse. Daca sunt si pe un fond negru, sunt absolut invinsa. Avand in vedere ca singura mea pereche de jeans skinny negri dateaza de aproape 3 ani am hotarat sa gasesc o pereche de skinny jeans negri cu fermoare expuse la nivelul gleznei. Si pentru ca uneori (rar) imi doresc sa ating hainele inainte sa le cumpar, am aterizat in Zara, Pull& Bear, Stradivarius & Bershka in vederea indeplinirii scopuui propus (yeah, a girl with a goal). Natural, nu am gasit nici o pereche de culoarea potrivita cu fermoarul potrivit (dar am vazut cateva topuri florale care merita atentie). Astfel incat am ajuns tot online, unde am profitat de reducerile la magazinele din UK, la care avem in sfarsit acces, achizitionand aceasta pereche de la TOPSHOP. Stiu, am depasit usor notiunea de fermoar la nivelul gleznei. Dar cateodata (mereu) marimea conteaza.

Image via Flourish Boutique

Image via TOPSHOP (25£)

Image via Urban Outfitters ($30)

Asos ($68)

I did come across some other stuff I like but I managed to put down the credit card before it was too late. Here are some of my picks:

Cand se pune problema shoppingului online am senzatia ca este greu sa ma opresc. De data aceasta am reusit sa ma limitez doar la perechea de skinnies, desi m-au atras mai multe lucruri:


Miss Selfridge, 10 £

Miss Selfridge, 3 £

Miss Selfridge, 15 £



All in all, I can't wait for my order to arrive. And if all goes according to plan (yes, we actually plan stuff) next week we'll post some spring/summer dresses, yay!

In cazul in care nu ne incurcam in propriile planuri saptamana viitoare vor fi postari noi cu rochite de primavara vara :)

P.S: our titles are getting more and more moronic, aren't they. Oh well.

joi, 22 aprilie 2010

Dream Catcher

Sooo, spring is here, huh? Btw, do you know what's the biggest mood influence? Luminosity. Luminosity instability, to be more specific. That's why depression occurs more often during spring and autumn because our brains and bodies react to all the freaking chance. Light, dark, cold, sunny, wind, make up your mind already!

Work has been sooo rewarding lately, gave me a nice positive feeling. Today I wrote my second med prescription, feeling more and more doctory (not a real word, but you get the point) with every day that passes. The one thing that is obviously clear is that my notion of 'normal' will definitely widen over time. They might have a point when saying psychiatrists get mad over time. I guess I'm having fun with the process.

The TOPSHOP boots arrived recently and I'm happy as a pickle. Do excuse the slightly pornish pictures and the awful background outfit one, camera died before allowing me to snap decent ones. The boots are actually gray and the leather is very soft, which came as a rather pleasant surprise. Also notice the wacky eyes. Yeah, I do that.

Here's my latest obsession, the dream catcher pendant. Not really a dream catcher, more of a freakish face inside a metal cage, but I feel good wearing it. And yes, darling sister of mine, I sort of stole it from you. So it has emotional value :)

Tomorrow we're off to Cluj so have a nice weekend everyone!

It catches dreams. Or stares at you in a really odd way.

Scary eyes outfit post
TOPSHOP OTK boots, Zara leggings, TOPSHOP? shorts, Bershka blouse, All Saints leather jacket

duminică, 18 aprilie 2010

Mindless Fun

I spend most of my time reading scientific papers on psychiatry and folding clothing. What, nobody bought that? Truth is life can sometimes be stressful, even when I'm not overly focused on my work or my private life. So that's when my own personal sources of mindless fun kick in. Ever heard of those? The little things you do, that lead to nothing productive and do not enhance your mind by any means, but have the magical ability of making you feel so damn good. And you may expect shoe browsing to be one of those things, but it's not making the list today. Here's two of my choices:

Desi existenta mea nu este atat de stresanta pe cat ar putea fi, simt ocazional nevoia unor metode de amuzament care sa nu imi implice neuronii in mod deosebit. Mai jos aveti doua dintre alegerile mele:

Neopets. Sounds silly and childish, eh? I assure you it is. It's an online game, involving a virtual world where you can own up to four pets, which can have petpets, which can also have petpetpets (yeah, I know!). And while it may sound silly, truth is it managed to gather quite a few millions of adult users. You get to explore the world, play games, earn neopoints, paint your pets, build them a home, etc etc. It's not a single play game, to be fair it's quite tedious if you want to build up a status. At the risk of sounding completely geeky, I've been playing it for 8 years now and I still like it, even if for the daily thrill of zapping my pet in the Petpet Lab.

Neopets - este vorba despre o lume virtuala, in care sunteti proprietara unor animalute, care la randul lor pot avea animalute de companie, care la randul lor... (ati inteles ideea). Desi pare copilareasca ideea (si este, intr-o anumita masura) majoritatea userilor pe termen lung sunt adulti deoarece este nevoie de un pic de dedicatie pentru a atinge un statut in Neopia.

Yeah, I am a geek.

On a different note there's the Dean Koontz books. I owe this form of mindless fun to Andreea, a dear friend of mine, with whom I had the pleasure of sharing three years of med school in Bucharest. I used to have such a fixation on Koontz back then. I had the list with everything he ever wrote and tried to put my hands on all of them (never managed to). Did end up reading close to 30 of his books. They're mostly horror/thriller books, amazingly written, guaranteed to offer a fun afternoon to any horror fans. In all honesty, Koontz actually out-passed Stephen King on my 'furious fiction' authors list.

A doua recomandare, in special pentru fanii cartilor thriller/horror este reprezentata de Dean Koontz. Cu un talent deosebit de a transforma ORICE intr-o poveste terifianta, Koontz inca reuseste, dupa mult timp, sa imi faca inima sa bata mai tare atunci cand intorc paginile. Dupa cum spuneam, mindless fun :)

Voi cum va calmati sinapsele?

joi, 15 aprilie 2010

The Insanity Called Miu Miu & Some Clog Chatter

Some of you already know of the madness that Miu Miu's collection generated recently. Ever since those bulky, overwhelming platform sandals hit the runway bloggers everywhere starting oh-ing and aw-ing over them and soon enough some lucky ones managed to get their feet into them. Here are a few examples:

Ultimul trend care innebuneste bloggeritele de fashion de pretutindeni este reprezentat de noile sandale platforma Miu Miu. La scurt timp dupa ce au fost lansate in magazine aceste sandale au si aparut in picioarele si inimile unor norocoasa. Mai jos avem doar cateva exemple:

All photos by Tavi from Style Rookie

$600, Sacks

Photo via The Cherry Blossom Girl (the girls over at Fashion and Pop Culture Magic have an interesting article on her, a must read)

Photo via Nitrolicious

Truth be told I just can't find myself be sucked into this mania. I'm guessing it's the satin thing - satin shoes are just not made for me. But they do look lovely overall, don't they? And giant platforms are a must this year. Speaking of platforms, are you getting into the clog trend yet? My brain is still saying no, but I wouldn't mind stumbling upon a pair. That damn wood heel is just to die for. Cheapest option I've found so far which still resembles the original Chanel clog can be bought via Ebay.

Sincer nu ma simt complet atrasa de ele, desi sunt in totalitate de acord vizavi de mania platformelor. Totusi... pantofii de satin nu au fost niciodata in lista preferintelor mele, fie ei chiar si Miu Miu. Revenind la platforme, ce credeti despre trendul sabotilor care face ravagii la o scara chiar mai larga? Pentru cele care dezolva usor obsesii, cea mai ieftina varianta pe care am gasit-o (si care pastreaza imaginea sabotului original Chanel care a reinviat trendul) poate fi achizitionata via Ebay.

The Charlie clog, 452.49 RON, Freepeople

sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010

Random Thoughts Day

I've spent the last few days taking on way more responsibility than usual at the hospital and I've had an odd sense of accomplishment. I try not to bring work home with me and mindlessly browsing through pages and pages of fashion really helps. A few things caught my attention.

The shearling aviator jacket trend will probably be one of the biggest obsessions of women everywhere. Sure, Balenciaga did it first with their 2004 collection, but things seem to get pretty serious with everyone presenting their own version. Frankly, the Burberry ones look pretty good, but I'm still bias to the Balenciaga ones, as they seem the perfect combo of a parka and a shearling coat. But in a way, I do believe this jacket is difficult to wear. I'd pair it with OTK boots and skinny jeans. I've searched Ebay for a cheaper alternative, but so far nothing worth mentioning. I assume the Chinese market will have some knockoffs ready in no time, but I'd rather find something of better quality.

Balenciaga 2004

Burberry 2010

Christopher Kane

Freja Beha Erichsen 2010

Phillip Lim 2010


I've been playing around with some of my heels and I have been trying out different socks to go with them. I've always been into the socks/heels trend but whenever I wear them in public I get odd looks. I know Romanians are pretty closed minded whenit comes to fashion, but maybe it's time we stop being so obnoxious?

Own pictures

I can't remember where I got this picture from, but I find it awesome. It reminds me of the shoes Luxirare made for herself.

Credits go to ?

I didn't get a chance to tell you all Happy Easter, so in retrospect I hope you had a great time.

Again, don't know who to credit this to

I don't like reading books that have been turned into movies I like. Because I end up with both experiences ruined. Come to think of it, I don't like watching movies after I've read the book either (it happened with the book Perfume the Story of a Murderer). But I'm going to read Anthony Burgess's (ha, three Ses)A Clockwork Orange because as much as I've loved the movie I've always felt there was something missing. And apparently there's a whole chapter missing - the final one. Long story short, I'm going for it.

Late update: some of you asked for more pictures of the Tick and seeing how I spent most of the day googling slightly pornographic designers while watching, at the same time, some dorky show about cars or something science related (yeah, my attention paying skills are MASSIVE), I've decided to turn on the photographic charm (yes, that is sarcasm) and snap a few shots. For anyone caring, yes, the curtains do drag on the floor (nothing in our home is the right size) and you don't know the half of it. I've already worn them out - very very comfortable, although I almost snapped my neck, as I have a tendency to hop around in heels as if they were flats (big FAIL). All in all, I adore them but will probably only wear them when having bf around to prevent from accidentally killing myself.