vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

Reasons Why I Heart Vintaggeria and Some Random Gibberish

Today was such a long day. One of those days that starts with me dressing in the dark (hence the grey and brown combo) and ends with not being able to sleep because of burning out too much.
Buuuut on the bright side this day marks the end to five weeks of working alone at the hospital and also the end of the IELTS exam. So YAY! And because I seem to be words retarded today, here are some pictures to shed more light on the title (or not). And yeah, I do heart Vintaggeria :D and here's why:

The H&M dress from the Get Warm collection (remember this post?)

Well, it's mine! Mine mine mine mine! Plus I got THE most delicious cookies in the world as a bonus (and I want more)
I think it's clear now this is my ''go to'' face. And I think I was trying to emulate the model in the add, for some unknown reason.
And because I can't seem to be able to articulate any more words, here's a picture of an adorable hamster to distract you.

So all in all, Vintaggeria for president! Yay!

8 comentarii:

The Messy Glam spunea...

aww ce cute e rochita!! mie inca nu mi-a ajuns coletul :(.. abia astept sa o port si eu :D
LIKE IT.LOVE IT! si imi place mult geaca ta, foarte cute :D

Mad Hatter spunea...

Ti-am zis ca dureaza mult:P
I got unbelievable lucky :)
And thanks, it's my go to leather jacket, got a lot of use out of it.

Vintaggeria spunea...

oh my god you haz overwhelmed me! :D
and yes it does fit perfectly, btw!
I say hampster (/humster) for president!!
and I say this because I lack in leadership skills (a.k.a. I'm lazy) and also cause presidents dont have time to bake. so vote hampster. thank you, everyone, and have a good night.

Mad Hatter spunea...

Now wave graciously while turning away... turning away (I totally have to show you the royal wave one of thse days :D)

Boheme.Fille spunea...

I like Vintaggeria too and I like that H&M dress! That hamster is so darn cute!

P.S: Te invit sa te inscrii la concursul de pe blogul meu unde poti castiga o rochie.

Mad Hatter spunea...

uuu, rochie! will definitely enter, desi cred ca tot norocul meu la concursuri s-a dus dupa ce am castigat concursul lui Karen :P

Mona spunea...

Yey, rochia e intr adevar faina! Cu toate astea...sau mai bine zis, din cauza asta- am un sfat: sa nu o speli la masina ca poti sa zici bye-bye rochie! Eu am spalat o pe a mea de mana (da, obsesie) si chiar si asa arata putin mai dubios dupa spalare.
Oricum, s o porti cu placere!

Mad Hatter spunea...

Ah, multumesc pentru sfat, la cat de paranoica sunt probabil am sa o spal de mana in cel mai delicat mod posibil. ASta cumva dezamageste la H&M - de fapt la fast fashion-ul din care face parte H&M - totul este rapid consumat