Pictures by Oana Ciobanasu
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Lately I've been searching for a nice looking leather jacket. While doing so, I stumbled upon TOPSHOP's A/W '09 collection, featuring a whole lot of leather jackets. Most of them are biker chic, the studs are still going strong after their S/S revival. I like most of them, not sure tho which one I'd pick as my favorite (not sure I have a favorite, I'm sort of looking for a gray leather jacket). Intriguing approach on the velvet/lace jacket and quite an unexpected one on the lace biker jacket (we were due for this combo eventually). Frankly, I'd skip on the jacket and buy one of their cage skirts (can you say delicious?)
On a more personal note, today I bought grapes and a bag.
On a more personal note, today I bought grapes and a bag.
In timpul cautarilor pentru geaca de piele perfecta am descoperit colectia toamna iarna TOPSHOP, care ofera un numar relativ mare de geci stil biker, in mod surprinzator, nu toate din piele. Cea mai neasteptata varianta este geaca din dantela (a treia fotografie, primul rand). Asa cum era de asteptat pentru TOPSHOP lookul oferit este unul puternic, care isi mentine latura feminina prin utilizarea materialelor gen dantela, catifea, paiete. Fustele gen cusca sunt absolut delicioase, desi ma intreb care a fost sursa lor de inspiratie (tisk tisk).
Pe o nota mai personala, astazi am cumparat struguri si o geanta plic. And you guys should totally see the cat video thing.
Pe o nota mai personala, astazi am cumparat struguri si o geanta plic. And you guys should totally see the cat video thing.
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