marți, 28 iulie 2009

Things Are Rarely What They Appear to Be

Pictures by Oana Ciobanasu

Pictures from

Lately I've been searching for a nice looking leather jacket. While doing so, I stumbled upon TOPSHOP's A/W '09 collection, featuring a whole lot of leather jackets. Most of them are biker chic, the studs are still going strong after their S/S revival. I like most of them, not sure tho which one I'd pick as my favorite (not sure I have a favorite, I'm sort of looking for a gray leather jacket). Intriguing approach on the velvet/lace jacket and quite an unexpected one on the lace biker jacket (we were due for this combo eventually). Frankly, I'd skip on the jacket and buy one of their cage skirts (can you say delicious?)

On a more personal note, today I bought grapes and a bag.

In timpul cautarilor pentru geaca de piele perfecta am descoperit colectia toamna iarna TOPSHOP, care ofera un numar relativ mare de geci stil biker, in mod surprinzator, nu toate din piele. Cea mai neasteptata varianta este geaca din dantela (a treia fotografie, primul rand). Asa cum era de asteptat pentru TOPSHOP lookul oferit este unul puternic, care isi mentine latura feminina prin utilizarea materialelor gen dantela, catifea, paiete. Fustele gen cusca sunt absolut delicioase, desi ma intreb care a fost sursa lor de inspiratie (tisk tisk).

Pe o nota mai personala, astazi am cumparat struguri si o geanta plic. And you guys should totally see the cat video thing.

Pictures from

sâmbătă, 25 iulie 2009

It's All About the Green Sox (Do Excuse the Inner Jokes)

Well, they are here. Obviously, I'm speaking oh the new and lovely Bronx wedges. As I promised, here's an outfit post, sort of lame because it was excruciating hot outside and neither me nor my sister were in shooting mood. Hell must feel cooler than this, I swear. They are very comfy, considering the high heel, but the leather is a tad stiff, so I had to wear them with socks so I wouldn't end up with a million blisters. They'll get more comfy with time, it's all good. One of our readers, Roxana, send in a link to a very cheap golden version, so if you are a size 5,6 or 8 (UK sizes) hurry up and get yours for 30 pounds right here.

Also, the jackets from the last four pictures will be soon available to buy - two of them are spot on the sailor theme, the other is a very feminine approach on the military jacket theme.

Wearing: Miss Sixty top, Atmosphere skirt/top/dress, Goldenpoint socks, Bronx wedge

Asa cum am promis, un outfit post cu sandalele Bronx. Datorita celor o mie de grade de afara nu am avut motivatia necesara sa depunem prea mult efort. Sandalele sunt foarte comfortabile, avand in vedere tocul inalt, singura problema ar fi pielea care este relativ rigida, motiv pentru care am purtat sosete. In timp vor deveni usor de purtat si fara sosete, yay. Una dintre cititoarele noastre, Roxana, a trimis un link catre o versiune aurie la pret redus a acestor sandale (multumim Roxana:)) Daca purtati marimea 38, 39 sau 41 si va doriti aceasta versiune, o puteti gasi aici. Sacourile din ultimele patru fotografii vor fi in curand disponibile pentru vanzare pe blog.

Outfit: top Miss Sixty, fusta/top/rochie Atmosphere, sosete Goldenpoint, sandale Bronx

miercuri, 22 iulie 2009

This May as Well Be Another Shoe Post

The original Ann D shoes in a Vogue scan (I think)

Some of you may remember some of my posts, a while back, on the delicious (and also quite vicious) Ann Demeulemeester lace up boots. Well, if you were living in America or any other civilized country of Europe they were available for pre order in a number of locations, for around $800. Recently, they actually went on sale, some going for as low as $400. Now the only place they can be bought is Ebay, for the hefty price of $1450 (seriously). But they are the IT shoe and they will be popular forever and ever, so those able to afford them have that 'investment' excuse. Well, like for any other IT shoes, replicas started to pop-up (thank god). Leaving aside the Asian knock offs, of which I don't know much, there are two USA replicas worth mentioning:

Probabil va mai amintiti cateva posturi obsesive legate de sandalele Ann D. Considerate unul dintre modelele geniale ale sezonului si promitand ca vor rezista probei timpului (si a lunii septembrie a modei) ele au fost extrem de cautate de fashionistele de pretutindeni. Initial s-au vandut la pretul de $800, ajungand in perioada reducerilor chiar si la $400. In momentul actual ele se pot gasi doar pe Ebay, la pretul de $1450. Din fericire pentru restul umanitatii care nu a descoperit inca o comoara a piratilor, au aparut doua versiuni alternative:

Jeffrey Campbell for LF, pictures from Nitrolicious

The first replica that poped up was the Jeffrey Campbell one, sold exclusively in LF stores for $165. If you're living in America hurry up and order yours by phone, apparently there aren't many left. These have a taller shaft than the Ann D's but otherwise they are identical.

Prima este o varianta realizata de Jeffrey Campbell, in exclusivitate pentru magazinele LF, un lant din State. In magazinul pretul lor a fost de $165, momentan pot fi achizitionate de pe Ebay la pretul de $250-$350.

The Free People 'Corset Heel'

Secondly, the Free People version, available online in all sizes for $198. These are made of suede and have a lower heel. For some reason, I may like these even more than the Ann D version.

A doua varianta poate fi inca achizitionata online, la pretul de $198. Cel mai probabil vor apare si alte versiuni (cause that's the way it is).

Great thing is soon a pair will join the Hatter's shoe family. And the shopping hiatus starts... NOW.

marți, 21 iulie 2009

You Do Know This Qualifies as an Addiction

For months, these pesky little things have been one of the Hatter's obsessions. Actually, it all started with the Aldo Maune wedge, of which you can see a collage in the first picture. The Aldo wedge is still available on the Aldo webpage , and they're on sale for 99$. Unfortunately they're not shipping to Romania. For those living in Bucharest they can be bought at Aldo's store, located at Baneasa Shopping Center, if I'm not mistaking, for around 130 euros (yeah, Romanian prices)
Going back to the other pair of wedges, the Bronx Shani, featured in all the other pictures. Indeed, the Bronx and the Aldo wedges look basically the same, except the Bronx ones have a 8.5 cm wedge heel, while the Aldo ones have a 7 cm wedge heel. Also, the Aldo wedge comes in black suede, while the Bronx one comes in basically anything you can imagine (apparently): brown, silver, nude, golden leather and electric blue, brown and nude suede. Talk about options! The Bronx Shani can be bought in a lot of places, starting with this german online store and and ending with the motherload of all online stores, good old Ebay
Well, the Hatter actually got a pair. And in spire of what the bf will be saying, it was the only way to put an end to such a long time obsession. Hooray!
The pictures in the collage are taken, well, from all over the internet, sorry I can't remember the exact sources for each and everyone. But basically this is quite a blogged about shoe. And it's mine, all mine.
You know I'll die if the Postal Office screws up. Or if they, god forbid, don't fit.
This post was brought to you by the I Need a Break from Studying Cardic Arrhythmias Because It's a Really Annoying Chapter Association.

Acest post este despre o pereche magica de sandale (aproape sandale cizme), care au constituit obsesia Palarierului pentru mult prea mult timp. Totul a inceput cu o pereche de sandale Aldo, pe care le puteti vedea in colaj. Pentru fashionistele interesate, modelul din piele intoarsa de culoare neagra este inca disponibil in magazinul Aldo din Baneasa Shopping Center la pretul aproximativ de 500 RON (posibil sa apara reduceri intre timp).
In timp, obsesia a evoluat spre o pereche aproape identica, de sandale Bronx. Diferenta dintre ele este tocul, care la perechea Aldo are 7 cm, in timp ce la perechea Bronx in jur de 9 cm. In plus, pentru varianta Bronx este o gama larga de culori si texturi (chiar si auriu si argintiu, cine ar fi crezut).
Intr-un final, pentru a pune capat obsesiei (era singurul mod!) o pereche va ateriza la usa Palarierului. In cazul in care nu se intampla un dezastru datorita Postei Romane.
Va urma un outfit post, dupa ce ajung sandalele
In ciuda tentei de superficialitate a acestei postari, Palarierul va doreste multa liniste si iubire :)
Have a good night!

duminică, 19 iulie 2009

Meet Bob aka the Flying Cat

El este Bob, cunoscut in copilarie sub numele de Mumba, perioada in care apartenenta sa la sexul masculin nu era bine stabilita. Bob este imprumutat pe o perioada de doua saptamani pentru a tine companie Palarierului care a ramas singur (uaaaa).
Bob a incercat sa zboare de la etajul trei in urma cu doua zile. In mod uluitor, a supravietuit, cel mai probabil datorita incercarilor anterioare de a zbura de la etajul 1.
Lui Bob ii plac hartia igienica roz, mouseul laptopului si markerele. Lui Bob nu ii place sa invete.
In mod dubios, Palarierului ii place sa invete. Mai ales cand este nevoit. Mai ales cand este vorba de examenul de rezidentiat. Mai ales cand este vorba de cele 800 de pagini din ultima fotografie. Motiv pentru care activitatea blogului in urmatoarea perioada va fi mai inceata. Vor mai fi postari si noutati, dar nu la fel de des ca de obicei. Comenzile sunt preluate normal, in masura in care Timpul va permite.
O vara Formidabila!
Palarierul Nebun

NOTA: daca doriti si voi sa iubiti un BOB personal, sau un alt animalut, va invitam sa vizitati blogul Get a Pet, o initiativa extraordinara prin care se incearca sa se ofere o casa unor animalute adorabile. Bob agrees.