duminică, 17 mai 2009

Living the Dream. The Cartoon Dream

Featured above is some of the Hatter's really sloppy PS work. Enjoy and make fun as much as we do. Snapshot from last night's pre concert events.

Also, seeing the recent obsession, here's the black, covered heel version of the most perfect pair of shoes ever. Promise this is the last time I'll ever mention the shoes (but they are, by all means, the most beautiful ugly shoes I have ever seen)

Also it looks like there's a tad of a ruffle addiction going on. Must... stop... buying... ruffle stuff.

Also, so we can actually give a point to this post, next week we'll be posting lovely new dresses, possibly the last post till autumn. We're working hard on the vintage side of the blog, but we're yet to finish it. And sorry for all the English, this is done partly because we're lazy, partly by request.

Saptamana viitoare rochii noi, minunate si colorate, ca o prajitura cu portocale. Ne luptam sa realizam versiunea Vintage a Palarierului, drept urmare ne iertati micile intarzieri.

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Un comentariu:

Alice in vintageland spunea...

That's a great photo and what a dress! I also have a ruffle addiction going on:)