duminică, 18 aprilie 2010

Mindless Fun

I spend most of my time reading scientific papers on psychiatry and folding clothing. What, nobody bought that? Truth is life can sometimes be stressful, even when I'm not overly focused on my work or my private life. So that's when my own personal sources of mindless fun kick in. Ever heard of those? The little things you do, that lead to nothing productive and do not enhance your mind by any means, but have the magical ability of making you feel so damn good. And you may expect shoe browsing to be one of those things, but it's not making the list today. Here's two of my choices:

Desi existenta mea nu este atat de stresanta pe cat ar putea fi, simt ocazional nevoia unor metode de amuzament care sa nu imi implice neuronii in mod deosebit. Mai jos aveti doua dintre alegerile mele:

Neopets. Sounds silly and childish, eh? I assure you it is. It's an online game, involving a virtual world where you can own up to four pets, which can have petpets, which can also have petpetpets (yeah, I know!). And while it may sound silly, truth is it managed to gather quite a few millions of adult users. You get to explore the world, play games, earn neopoints, paint your pets, build them a home, etc etc. It's not a single play game, to be fair it's quite tedious if you want to build up a status. At the risk of sounding completely geeky, I've been playing it for 8 years now and I still like it, even if for the daily thrill of zapping my pet in the Petpet Lab.

Neopets - este vorba despre o lume virtuala, in care sunteti proprietara unor animalute, care la randul lor pot avea animalute de companie, care la randul lor... (ati inteles ideea). Desi pare copilareasca ideea (si este, intr-o anumita masura) majoritatea userilor pe termen lung sunt adulti deoarece este nevoie de un pic de dedicatie pentru a atinge un statut in Neopia.

Yeah, I am a geek.

On a different note there's the Dean Koontz books. I owe this form of mindless fun to Andreea, a dear friend of mine, with whom I had the pleasure of sharing three years of med school in Bucharest. I used to have such a fixation on Koontz back then. I had the list with everything he ever wrote and tried to put my hands on all of them (never managed to). Did end up reading close to 30 of his books. They're mostly horror/thriller books, amazingly written, guaranteed to offer a fun afternoon to any horror fans. In all honesty, Koontz actually out-passed Stephen King on my 'furious fiction' authors list.

A doua recomandare, in special pentru fanii cartilor thriller/horror este reprezentata de Dean Koontz. Cu un talent deosebit de a transforma ORICE intr-o poveste terifianta, Koontz inca reuseste, dupa mult timp, sa imi faca inima sa bata mai tare atunci cand intorc paginile. Dupa cum spuneam, mindless fun :)

Voi cum va calmati sinapsele?

2 comentarii:

Alice in vintageland spunea...

I watch lots of american reality shows/contests: Survivor, The Amazing Race, American Idol, Project Runway, even America's Next Top Model when I really want something stupid. I spend countless hours on ebay, I listen to fantasy/chick lit audio books while working on DIY projects. I watch way too many tv shows and read too many blogs and of course I sometimes make sets on polyvore or looklet while at work instead of finishing a project!:))))))) I'm a horrible human being!:))))

Mad Hatter spunea...

Ha, on a certain level we're mind twins :D
And yes you are, but we love you just because of that :) (or is it because we're the same? :P)