luni, 24 august 2009

Christopher Kane for TOPSHOP

All pics from Nitrolicios
Pentru cei familiarizati cu Christopher Kane probabil 'the monkey dress' suna destul de familiar. Ei bine, desi nu vom putea avea chiar ACEA rochie, colaborarea faimosului designer cu la fel de faimosul TOPSHOP aduce o noua varianta, 'rochia aligator', la preturi mult mai scazute, cel putin pentru tarile civilizate ale Europei (60-250 euro). Colectia ofera o perspectiva interesanta asupra tendintelor toamna iarna, nelipsind tintele si culoarea neagra (si cel putin comparativ cu cea oferita de Emma Cook, o putem considera reusita). Pentru norocoasele care se vor afla langa un TOPSHOP in luna septembrie, happy shopping!

In plus, patru dintre piesele mele preferate din colectia TOPSHOP. Enjoy!

Am uitat sa mentionam - in ultima saptamana nu am fost disponibili, fiind in afara tarii, astfel incat nu am putut raspunde emailurilor, comentariilor si comenzilor. Vom reveni in aproximativ trei saptamani in tara, untill then, much peace and love darlings :)
Btw, do have some leech tea. YUM!
The Hatters

sâmbătă, 22 august 2009

Kate Moss for TOPSHOP & Other Stuff of Interest

Femeile vor mereu ceea ce nu au, in special in materie de haine. Probabil acesta este motivul pentru care am fost mai atrasa de TOPSHOP, H&M, Atmosphere, Forever21, George, Osiris, etc decat de brandurile disponibile in Romania, gen Zara, Stradivarius, etc. Dintr-un motiv sau altul, brandurile de peste ocean (oceane) au castigat mereu puncte in plus. Desigur, va veni o perioada cand toate vor fi disponibile in Romania, dar oare la ce preturi? Dar pana sa ajungem acolo, va ofer imagini ale ultimei colectii Kate Moss for TOPSHOP. Colectia nu exceleaza, desi sunt cateva piese care merita atentie, gen rochia asimetrica cu un umar gol acoperita de voal si pulovarul gri/rosu/alb, care aminteste de faimoasa versiune a lui Alexander Wang. Oricum, colectia confirma intentia in crestere a designerilor de pretutindeni de a readuce inapoi culoarea neagra (si anii 80).

Ca bonus, doua dintre imaginile mele preferate din Vogue Russia, editia august 2006. These guys are so self sufficient (a se observa funda LV, 3 ani inainte sa genereze furori pe capul Madonnei) si atat de Alice in Wonderland, intr-un mod complet diferit de ce ne ofera fotografii europeni.

Drept incheiere, cateva imagini din colectia realizata de catre Anna Sui pentru Target (cine ar fi crezut). Restul colectiei este destul de plictisitor, cu multe combinatii portocaliu/caramiziu/maro, dar primele doua rochii arata destul de designer-ish. Prima foloseste printul caracteristic pentru Anna Sui iar cea de-a doua promoveaza inca odata conceptul de 'cage skirt'.


Because It's Late and Not Too Soon for Boots

Alice and Olivia for Payless

Jeffrey Campbel

Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony

Marc Jacobs 2007
Well... I might have sinned and made a little purchase. But couldn't help it. They were so damn Balenciagesque, with their snip toe and wedge heel and complete Chloe wannabe look that I couldn't resist. So I am sorry, gods of the Recession, this is the last pair of shoes that I'll buy this year, I promise. And you can't be too upset, cause there's a story behind these shoes.
First, there were the Marc Jacobs shoes. Which I hate. Don't know exactly why, but I truly hate. Then, there were the Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony open toe boots, which came in two versions - elastic and buckle straps. Awesome, but so not in my price range. Then, naturally, Jeffrey Campbel popped in, with a very intriguing version, excellent for the A/W season. Still, at 200$ a pop, kinda pricey. Theeeen, this hit my email Inbox. The Alice and Olivia for Payless biker boot, so cheap and so yummy. Frankly, I bought them in hopes this will put a halt to my shoe obsession, at least for a while. A big thanks to BB, as Payless doesn't deliver outside the US. So, in about 2 weeks or so I'll get my babies (will do an outfit post).
And yes, this is one of those love/hate boots. You either hate it or love it. I happen to love them.
Have a good night.
P.S been meaning to post a whole bungh of pictures, including one with our five headed dragon (well that sounded dirty) and some weird food our fridge holds, courtesy of my sisters, but I have no idea where I put the damn pictures. Anyways, will post them someday.
Bonus P.S and yeah, this is a complete rant, but I am completely entitled to it, as I'm doing my best to overdose my neurons on a huge amount of medical information. Plus, somewhere deep down in my hear I hope there are others completely obsessed with shoes as I am.

The Bootilicious Day

Chloe, yum

Rick Owens (it can never get better than this, really)

Rick Owens possibly, there is this other guy...

Siren, if I remember correctly

Alice and Olivia for Payless



Emma Cook


God (aka Rick Owens)

Jeffrey Campbel
Why, hello again. Missed us? Fine, the Hatter is waay to tired to do a big giant post so this one will be a 'Here are some boots I like or maybe love' kind of post. Enjoy. All pics are well, from my computer because I'm too tired to RE research them all. Frankly, I have an obsession story related to each and every one of them, thing is I blocked some of them out so I wouldn't sell one of my kidneys and go all CC happy. I have a ton of more pics but also I'm bad at organizing my folders and I just can't search through all those GBs.
Also, Roxana, if you can read this, hope you didn't get carried away by the Theatre Pirates or anything. Still looking forward to hearing from ya *wink wink
And yeah, it's all about wedge boots these days. Maybe soon, an outfit post or a random rant about the Hatter's recent obsessions.
Thanks for tuning in, hope you're enjoying the last summer days. If anyone has a Time Machine and is willing to borrow it, please contact us. Will return it after the 15th of November.
Hugsies you guys :)
Zi Hatters